
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Project Milestone Adjustment, 2

Now I have produced a procedural walk for a 2D biped it is an appropriate time to review the remainder of my project – especially with a progress presentation due shortly. Adjusting now will enable me to present a more accurate plan to tutors.

The goals put in place at my last milestone would have achieved the absolute minimum functionality needed to create the 2D procedural gait. While I encountered some issues and had to invest more development time to solve them, I also chose to deviate slightly from my plan to explore, compare and understand the functionality behind the behaviours.
I’m pleased I made this decision as I’m confident I’m in a stronger position to implement the 3D end goal as a result.

Given that this is approximately the half-way point in development time to the final deadline I had hoped to have already been working toward the 3D solution – though in taking extra time to develop 2D behaviours, I am confident they will prove appropriate for my end goal and I have already been able to adapt many to work in a 3D environment.
With the time remaining I am still confident I will be able to achieve my project goal.

The next step to achieve control over a 3D biped will be to implement a heuristic iterative search IK solution. This will enable me to control longer joint chains, more realistically manipulating the longer joint chains of the human form.

My timeline amendments are shown in the table below.

I have notified lecturers of some extenuating circumstances which may progress and impact my ability to meet remaining deadlines by the below deadlines.
If this proves to be the case, I will stay as true to the milestones as possible.

Week Beginning Milestone Deliverable
11/2/19 CCD Research
18/2/19 CCD Implementation
25/2/19 CCD Rotation Constraints
4/3/19 Foot orientation to walkable surfaces
11/3/19 Leg chain accommodation of walkable surfaces
18/3/19 3D foot placement/trajectory plotter
25/3/19 Spherical trajectory plotter through 3D space
1/4/19 3D locomotion logic, implementing 3D procedural walk
8/4/19 Player speed and direction controller
15/4/19 Input based proportional movement
22/4/19 Interaction of arm chains with the environment
29/4/19 Interaction of spine chain with the environment